Paul Washer on modesty

“Here are some very important questions that I always ask young men. Are you attracted to her biblical beauty or are you attracted to her sensuality? Sensuality proceeds from a wicked heart. In Mark 7:21-23 For from within, out of the heart of men proceed the evil thoughts, fornication, thefts, murders, adultery, deeds of covetousness, wickedness, as well as deceit, sensuality, evil, slander, pride, and foolishness. Also sensuality is a deed of the flesh. Galatians 5:19 The deeds of the flesh are evident which are immorality, impurity, sensuality. A woman can properly be called beautiful. A women can properly be called elegant. But a woman who is sensual has an evil heart.”

“I do not so much have to pray up when I’m preaching under a tent in inner-city San Antonio, but I have to pray up and know that I am walking with the Lord when I walk into an average Baptist church because of the way most people dress. And you say, “It’s legalism.” No it’s not. They’re commands in the Bible. It doesn’t say we’re all supposed to dress like a Puritan, but it does say we’re supposed to be decent and cause no offense or stumbling. “Well you can’t judge a book by its cover.” Yes you can! Jesus said you can; by their fruits you will know them.”

“Modesty is rarely seen in this generation of Christians. Many who claim Christ are as uncovered, lewd, and brazen as the world.”

“This is going to make you mad, and I’m talking to boys and girls. Radical Christians are those who do not dress sensually in order to show off their bodies. If your clothing is a frame for your face, God is pleased with your clothing. If your clothing is a frame for your body, it’s sensual and God hates what you’re doing.”

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash